Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I drew one of the covers for Robyn Hood #7 and and since I actually had scans of all the steps thought I'd put together a quick process post.
The cover concept was pretty simple "3 members of the Cabal walking down a blood splattered hallway". 
I worked up 6 cover thumbnails and sent them into the publisher. They wanted a combination of options 1 and 6 so I roughed out the final sketch at full size. With the final concept ok'ed I tightened up my pencils digitally in Manga Studio. The only tricky part was that once the pencils were approved I had about three hours to ink and scan the cover before I had to catch my flight to New York Comic Con. Luckily, the talented Ivan Nunes handled the colors and pulled the whole thing together.
Robyn Hood #7 By Pat Shand, Roberta Ingranata, Slamet Mujiono and Jim Campbell is in stores today.

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